Thomas W. Park

Thomas W. Park Photo
Direct: 646.585.7133
New York
1500 Broadway, 2401
New York, NY 10036
T: 929.342.6000
F: 929.342.6001
  • Results may vary depending on your particular facts and legal circumstances. 

  • Obtained a trial victory on behalf of a general building contractor before the NYS Workers’ Compensation Board in a case where a claimant alleged he was assaulted by two coworkers. Based on the cross-examination, the Judge did not believe the claimant was actually physically contacted, and there was sufficient evidence that the claimant was the initial aggressor, therefore the case was disallowed.

  • Obtained a significant victory on behalf of a structural steel fabricator before the NYS Workers’ Compensation Board in a workers’ compensation claim where the claimant alleged that he has fallen from 7 feet and injured his right knee, hips, and back at work. The claimant was found not credible due to the lack of medical evidence as well as evidence that the accident occurred, and the claim was disallowed.

  • Secured a rare victory on behalf of a general building contractor before the NYS Workers’ Compensation Board in a claim for benefits where the claimant alleged that he has fallen from 20 feet and injured his back at work. Through a cross-examination of the claimant and the presentation of the employer witness, the claimant was found not credible, and the claim was disallowed.

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